
Together we can achieve more.

Sports consulting

Management beside the court.

Sporttable supports you and helps you to always fulfill your sporting obligations with full dedication and focus.

We organize and manage your off-field affairs to help you achieve the ultimate CHAMPIONS status on the pitch.

XLNC Global professional excellence

In view of the increasing complexity of international tax legislation and the constant internationalization of business transactions, it is an enormous advantage to be able to fall back on a worldwide network of experts.

Bergemann Schönherr & Partner has been an independent member of the international XLNC network since 2024. As an independent member of XLNC, a worldwide association of international accounting, consulting and law firms, our firm is able to provide the best possible advice on a global scale. Through XLNC, we have access to experts around the world who can advise us and our clients on local regulations, compliance and go-to-market strategies.

XLNC’s extensive international presence provides both us and our clients with a gateway to the global market. Through our XLNC membership, we have access to highly qualified firms in almost all major financial and commercial centers worldwide. This remarkable opportunity comes in handy if you are looking for business opportunities that extend beyond national borders or need international support in addition to services in your home market. We are here to help you and support your success wherever your business takes you.

For more information, visit XLNC( online.

About XLNC Disclaimer

XLNC is a global alliance of independent law firms. XLNC, a company incorporated under Swiss law, acts solely as an administrative resource for the alliance and therefore does not provide any legal, audit or other professional services to third parties.

Such services are provided exclusively by XLNC member firms in their respective geographic areas. XLNC and its member firms are legally separate entities. These entities shall not be construed to be in the relationship of a parent, subsidiary, affiliate, joint venture, agent or network. No XLNC member firm has any authority (actual, apparent, implied or otherwise) to obligate or bind XLNC or any other XLNC member firm in any way to
, nor does XLNC have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm. All XLNC members are independent contractors as they provide their services solely for their own account (including benefit and risk) without any involvement of XLNC and/or other XLNC members.

Philipp Lucas

Philipp Lucas

+49 69 580 0485 100